{@ alert.msg @}
{@ progress @}% Finished Due date: {@ survey.dueDate.getTime() | date:'dd.MM.yyyy' @}

By using the Google Translate service, a free online language translation service provided by Google, the users should be aware that Google Translate does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of translated content. The use of Google Translate is at the user's own risk, and it is recommended to verify translations with a qualified human translator or language expert for critical documents or important communications. Cemasys disclaims any liability for errors, inaccuracies, or damages resulting from the use of Google Translate


Disclaimer: The data and information collected in this survey are confidential and are intended solely for the predetermined purpose of the survey. Your data will not be transmitted to third parties or used for marketing purposes.

{@ translate('errors') @}

Question Errors
{@ e.name @} Own operations: {@ translate(e.primaryError) @}
Sub-Suppliers' operations: {@ translate(e.secondaryError) @} {@ translate(e.attachmentError) @}
{@ translate(e.primaryError) @} {@ translate(e.attachmentError) @}

{@ group.name @}

  • @ value @}

{@ group.name @}

  • @ value @}

End of Survey. To submit your responses, please click the Complete button above in the top menu. You will then be navigated to a final Confirmation page.

End of Survey. To submit your responses, please click the Complete button above in the top menu.

By submitting this form, I affirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

*NOTE that after you have clicked "Click to confirm" you will not be able to return to the Survey. If you want to edit your responses before submitting the Survey, please click "Back to survey"

Thank you for responding to this survey.

Disclaimer: The data and information collected in this survey are confidential and are intended solely for the predetermined purpose of the survey. Your data will not be transmitted to third parties or used for marketing purposes.